SQL vs PL/SQL: Difference Between SQL & PL/SQL

SQL and PL/SQL are two different languages used in database programming. SQL is a standard database query language, while PL/SQL is a proprietary language used by Oracle. Both languages have their own syntax and semantics. There are several differences between SQL and PL/SQL.

In this article, we will understand the difference between SQL and PL/SQL. But, before that, let’s have a short introduction to both these terms.

SQL: A Brief Introduction
The administration of relational databases is often performed in Structured Query Language (SQL), a strong, non-procedural database language. In comparison to procedural languages, the level of abstraction provided by this IBM research project’s creation is far higher, and it’s also very portable and amenable to upgrades. SQL allows customers to communicate with any of a number of different DBMSs, giving them more flexibility in their database needs.

PL/SQL: A Brief Introduction
By adding sophisticated procedural language features to SQL statements, PL/SQL has become a popular choice for developers. It can handle data quickly and efficiently, and it can recover from errors gracefully. Functions, triggers, packages, etc. are all examples of PL/SQL code blocks that can be executed together to improve the efficiency of an activity. There will be less data flowing through the network as a result of this.

Let’s have a look at some important differences between SQL and PL/SQL

SQL is a declarative language, while PL/SQL is a procedural language.
SQL is a declarative language, which means that it specifies what data to retrieve from a database, but not how to retrieve it. PL/SQL is a procedural language, which means that it specifies both what data to retrieve from a database and how to retrieve it.

SQL is easier to learn than PL/SQL because it is not necessary to learn how to write programs in SQL. It is only necessary to learn how to write SQL queries. PL/SQL is more difficult to learn because it is necessary to learn how to write programs as well as how to write SQL queries.

SQL is used to query data from a database, while PL/SQL is used to write programs that manipulate data in a database.
SQL is used to query data from a database. This means that SQL can be used to select, insert, update, and delete data from a database. PL/SQL is used to write programs that manipulate data in a database. This means that PL/SQL can be used to create, modify, and delete database objects such as tables, views, and stored procedures.

SQL is portable, while PL/SQL is not.
SQL is portable, which means that it can be used with different types of databases. PL/SQL is not portable, which means that it can only be used with Oracle databases.

SQL is easier to learn than PL/SQL.
SQL is easier to learn than PL/SQL because it is not necessary to learn how to write programs in SQL. It is only necessary to learn how to write SQL queries. PL/SQL is more difficult to learn because it is necessary to learn how to write programs as well as how to write SQL queries.

Final Words
SQL is a declarative language, while PL/SQL is a procedural language. SQL is used to query data from a database, while PL/SQL is used to write programs that manipulate data in a database. SQL is portable, while PL/SQL is not. SQL is easier to learn than PL/SQL.

PL/SQL, which is an extension of SQL, performs the same tasks as SQL but with larger data sets by making use of functions, control structures, and triggers. While SQL focuses on the what of an operation, PL/SQL also provides details on its implementation. Using PL/SQL provides an elegant means of solving difficult SQL issues. In terms of performance and speed, PL/SQL is superior to SQL, whereas SQL excels at data abstraction and portability. If you learn SQL, you’ll have a leg up on the competition for careers in fast-growing fields like finance, web development, accounting, and digital marketing. Build your resume’s worth by gaining more experience and competence in relevant fields.

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